Providing Professional Services for Small Nonprofits
Let us help you with registration and payment services and much more!
+1 (301) 805-0784 United States
Let us help you with registration and payment services and much more!
+1 (301) 805-0784 United States
Most successful businesses will tell you they could not have accomplished their goals without help. Our core principles and strong mission shape our efforts. So find out how we can make your organization easier to manage. Call us today. We can save you time!
Carol 301-805-0784
**Our Number One requested service: Meeting website, registration, and payment services.**
We can add value to your business. Feel free to email us, carolpaterick@gmail.com
Since 1993, we have exceeded client expectations. If you need help with business support, look no further.
"I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated how easy you made everything while working on my conference. Your willingness to pull things together so effortlessly and suggest ideas and ways to communicate, as well as how much you were willing to work together to tweak and update things, is invaluable. You have no idea what a difference your help made and how reassuring it was to me to have your graphic design and marketing talents to help us communicate professionally with our members and attendees." 9/2024
Marketing and media management, branding, crisis management, copy-writing, magazine/newsletter creation and publication, media releases and corporate communications.
We can help develop language to showcase your organization in its best light. Why choose us? Because you can't run a successful business in secret!
We will help you manage your membership so you can work to increase your member numbers. Campaigns, news placement, member communique and more.
Let us know the details. We'll let you know how we can help. We look forward to hearing from you!
+1 (301) 805-0784 US Carol Paterick carolpaterick@gmail.com Hours, Mon-Fri Most Days 8-2 Maryland Business License L22599187 -------------- Ask our clients about our services for them.